
Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Well...It's official. I'm highly irresponsible. A lot of my friends who so kindly read my blog have been asking, "Where are you?" or "Why haven't you been blogging?" or "Why are so lazy?" JK on the last one. Here's the honest to God truth. I have been eating like shit and barely working out. I have been making excuse after excuse after excuse to NOT eat right and not work out. With the holiday season approaching fast, I MUST work to get it together. I will say, I am getting faster and stronger as I run. I ran my fastest average ever at 12:34 mins a mile. For a chick that used to forge her parent's signature to get out of running the mile in school (SORRY MOM!!!), that's badass.
I thought about writing a sob story saying how busy I am and how I just started grade school and wah wah wahhhhh. The reality is, we are all busy. We all got shit to do. I am no different than anyone. I just know how to talk myself out of running or eat right when I'm out. When I go to Happy Hour, I get a little too happy with all the chips and salsa and margaritas. I drink a lot more and I eat a lot more which means I have gained 3 pounds. You might say, OHHHH BIG FREAKING it is. I fight for every pound.
Being overweight or struggling with your weight is a life long commitment. It's not something that you say, I'm going to lose 18 pounds and that's it. Nice try. Just like an incurable disease, I will always struggle with my weight. I tend to forget that. I wish I can snap my fingers and that's it but of course here I am in my size 12 jeans.
To sum up all my ramblings, I am forgiving myself for not keeping up my summer routine (after school has started and so has grad school) and plowing ahead. I'm doing the MS 5k Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning with my boyfriend's mom. I am so excited to do this because I'm already running 2.7 miles to begin with so just a little more and I'm solid. Let's keep encouraging each other and keep the positive vibes coming!!!!!!!


  1. In yoga they tell you, "If you fall out of a pose, just get right back into it." I'm glad you're getting back in and still fighting - negotiating time and energy is always a work in progress. I'm rooting for you from Austin, and sending you some fiery energy to keep you strong! *Miss You*
