
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

STRIPERS! No not strippers.

Yesterday, Kevin caught a Striper fish in MD and we decided to cook it. I love cooking for a couple of reasons. 1. You can literally cook anything. 2. You can throw shit in a pan and pray it turns out great. I had NEVER cooked fresh fish before. I knew I had some curry and cumin spices so I thought...why not. Like I said, you can literally throw shit in a pot and BAM you got something incredible. I also had asparagus and wild brown rice too cook with it.

Marinate Inredigents (no real measurements)
Soy sauce
White wine vinegar
Salt and pepper
Minced garlic

Cook your FRESH fish in his mixture on medium to low heat and let it simmer for 10 minutes on each side. We let it cook on a lower heat so that it could absorb all the flavors.

Asparagus Ingredients
Minced garlic

Put the spears in a large sauce pan with water, evo and garlic on low to medium heat. Cover and cook for about 10 minutes. This allows the asparagus to steam in the mixture rather than cook on high heat.
Total calories for the 4 oz of fish, 1 cup of rice and 7 spears of asparagus: 486 calories.

Monday, August 1, 2011

The easiest way to lose weight...

Is to buy pre-made meals. What can you learn from that? How to use a microwave. I understand the easiest thing to do is to heat up a meal that is 7 points or 250 calories or low in fat but you will never learn. When I reached my lowest weight I was doing that. I didn't trust myself to cook for myself so I ate Lean Cuisines or Smart Meals. I obviously gained back my weight. Why? BECAUSE I NEVER LEARNED HOW TO EAT FOR MYSELF. Of course you can lose weight by heating up a meal and keeping yourself on a strict diet. So what happens when you leave the comfort of your microwave? What happens when you run into a nachos and beer at happy hour? I can tell you A LOT will happen. Over eating, over drinking. Do not think that there's an easy way to lose weight.
The easiest and quickest way for me to lose weight is to eat the frozen meals. But that is not acceptable. I want to learn how to cook for myself and others. I want to learn how to eat properly. Will it take longer? OF COURSE. But it should. I am not scared. I'm not frustrated. This is going to take a long time. Hopefully we're all in it together.