
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My name is Katie Kemmerer...

And I have confession. Before I get to the point, I want to say this. We all lie to ourselves about something. Whether it's money, a relationship, work, or family. Any way you spin it, it's a lie. I've lied to myself the past 26 years. I am over indulgent, an over eater, and over the top. So here's the actual shocker (not really), I DID NOT LOSE ANY WEIGHT! Ha! You thought I was going to say something sweet. Nope. I didn't lose any weight. Why? Well I just told you why. I over eat, over indulge and have NO self control when it comes to food. This is why I need to reteach myself how to eat. This is why I blog. It keeps my honest. If I say it out loud, it makes it real. No Katie, you did not lose any weight. Did I have a great time? YES. Does it feel as good as wearing a size smaller. NO. It's hard to admit you're failing. But like the great Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over until it's over." Truly poetic. Listen, I'm a positive person. Positive energy equals positive outcome. This is a life style change and not an over night fix. As long as I keep this in mind, I will see results. Hang in there with me. I'm off to Nashville tomorrow for a small vacation which is going to be rough on the diet. Regardless, I will move forward.

<Insert picture of me surrounded by cookies, wine,  chips and gauc, and feeling sorry for myself>

<Insert picture of me give the aforementioned items the middle finger in my size 10 jeans again>

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tossing your salad. Get your mind out of the gutter.

Do you suffer from unused fruit and vegetables? Are you throwing away HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS every week? Do you want to turn in frig into SOLID GOLD?
Okay I don't have those answers but I do have a solution that is so simple you're going to punch yourself in the face (don't do it).
I buy all this stuff in the beginning of the week with the intent of eating all of it. Nope. Not gonna happen. Instead of throwing it all away, toss a little salad together. My dad used to make us fruit salads with mangos, pineapples, grapes, etc. It's so simple and you can take it anywhere! Do NOT be afraid to cut into a pineapple or melon. It's intuitive. You know how to do...SO DO IT!

My fruit salad was all my blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and honeydew. Booyah.